Ozone Therapies

Options at Wholesome Health & Aesthetics:
MAH (Major Autohemotherapy)
UBI (Ultraviolet blood irradiation)
Ozone therapies have become increasingly popular in the world of integrative healing. It upregulates healing mechanisms at a cellular level and is powerful, safe, and effective treatment for both chronic and acute conditions. Â
Ozone is a molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms hooked together as opposed to the oxygen we breathe which is just two oxygen atoms hooked together. The third oxygen in the group makes the molecule much more reactive, and when it is introduced into the body in one of its various forms it is able to induce several reactions that contribute to healing and regeneration.Â
Benefits of ozone include the following:Â Â
- Increased immunity. Our immune systems have many different parts that must function in perfect balance for optimal health. If it is imbalanced in one direction we will be prone to poor resilience against viruses and illnesses. These are usually the people who get sick very easily, who complain that if anybody brings a virus into the house they are going to catch it. Poor immune function can contribute to the development of cancer. Imbalance in the other direction can cause other problems where the immune system is revved up and they are constantly in a state of attack or inflammation. These conditions usually include autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, and chronic degenerative conditions. When your immune system is constantly on the attack your body isn’t given the chance to switch gears and heal.Â
- Prescription medications generally don’t have the ability to address this double-edged sword, and ozone therapy is one of the few treatments that has the ability to improve the body’s ability to modulate the immune system. It boosts your ability to fight the bad guys such as viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells, while also causing a reaction in our cells that turns off the inflammatory response and allows new cells to regenerate.
- Improved energy. Energy, or ATP, is made by crucial machinery in the cells called mitochondria. ATP fuels every single function in our bodies. Whether it is something as simple as blinking your eyes, or formulating a thought or something bigger such as running a race or giving a speech, all of that is being fueled by ATP. Research is showing that many of the degenerative conditions of our day come down to a decrease in mitochondrial function. Signs that you might not be making enough ATP include fatigue, chronic muscle pains, brain fog, weight struggles, headaches and depression. Decreased mitochondrial function has also been associated with cancer, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, kidney and liver failure, and the aging process in general. Ozone therapy can help “turn on” these dysfunctional mitochondria and help them start producing adequate ATP again.
- Improved blood flow and oxygen delivery to the tissues. The delivery of oxygen and nutrients take place in these teeny little vessels called capillaries. These vessels are actually so small that red blood cells have to pass through one at a time and they also have to do a little bit of squeezing and deforming to get through. When the red blood cells are rigid they can’t get through the capillary as well and they also can’t deliver oxygen and nutrients the way they need to. Another thing that happens with blood flow is that the red blood cells can start sticking together in what we call a rouleaux formation. When they are stuck together they are limited in their ability to deliver oxygen to the cells. Ozone actually changes the electrical charge of the blood cells so that they are less likely to stick together and it also gives the membrane more flexibility to squeeze through the capillary more effectively.Â
There are different ways to administer ozone. It can be given intravenously (via a method called “major autohemotherapy”), intramuscularly or into the joint (via a method called “prolozone”), or infused into cavities such as the nose, ears, rectum, or vagina (via a method called “insufflation”).
Major autohemotherapy, the IV form of ozone administration, is a procedure where a small amount of blood is drawn out of the body and injected into a bag of saline. Ozone gas is then mixed in with the blood. Once this is complete, the blood is returned back to the body, usually first passing through different wavelengths of ultraviolet light.Â
This process is fairly fast and usually takes 30-45 minutes from start to finish, depending on how healthy your veins are. This form of ozone treatment is Dr. Wheeler’s favorite simply because it delivers ozone to the entire body, and it gives the most bang for the buck. It can be given as a one-time treatment, as in the case of acute illness, or in a series of multiple treatments, as in the case of autoimmune illness, chronic fatigue, or inflammatory conditions.Â
There are concerns on what happens when a patient inhales Ozone and how it affects the lungs. If directly inhaled, Ozone is toxic and usually causes coughing but a large amount could lead to chemical pneumonia. This risk is only associated with inhaling ozone, not mixing with the patient's blood. For this reason we take great measures and extreme care to make sure patients do not inhale the ozone.
A common side effect of MAH is that patient will experience a temporary flare of inflammation while the immune system is "turning on" and adjusting to the treatment. This may lead to increased symptoms but is typically limited to 24-48 hours. These side effects will get better and better over repeated infusions as the body adapts, heals, and gets stronger.