Non-invasive Skin Tightening


Morpheus8 is deemed by many experts in the aesthetic industry to be the most effective non-invasive skin tightening technology on the market. 

It utilizes a combination of microneedling and radiofrequency technologies, allowing the deeper layers of skin to be impacted. It stimulates the skin to renew and replenish itself while encouraging the formation of new collagen and elastin. It helps to tighten the connective fibers that become stretched and loose over time. It also helps to brighten the skin tone, diminish pore size, and diminish redness and dullness.

Whether you’re 80 or 30, this is one of the most powerful treatments you can add to your preventative and anti-aging arsenal.

Now Introducing...


Learn about Morpheus8 and its benefits from Dr. Laramie Wheeler

Frequently Asked Questions:

Anyone who is interested in tightening and brightening the skin, regardless of age. Common conditions that respond well to Morpheus8 are

  • Sagging jowls and cheeks
  • Sagging neck
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Under eye crepiness
  • Acne scars
  • Deep, cystic acne
  • Enlarged pores
  • Skin crepiness on arms, legs, knees, elbows, and hands
  • Thickened, rough, and dull skin
  • Rosacea, redness, and vascularization
  • Excessive sweating in underarms

Any area with skin can be treated! While the face and neck are certainly most popular, other frequently treated areas include:

  • Knees
  • Hands
  • Armpits (for sweating)
  • Underside of arms (“bat wings”)
  • Genital labia (for non-surgical labioplasty)

For best results we recommend three treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Many patients will feel and see an improvement in their skin almost immediately, but the skin will continue to tighten and brighten for several months (even up to a year) after the treatment, so we tell our patients to give it 6-12 months before expecting to see final results.

It can be used on any skin color as well as suntanned skin. If skin is sunburned it is best to wait until after the burn is fully healed. We recommend always wearing sunscreen, and for two weeks after the procedure it is best to avoid direct sun exposure.

Below is a step-by-step guide to what you can expect.

  • We will give you numbing cream to apply at home. We recommend applying it at least an hour before your procedure.
  • If you want to take advantage of an in-office narcotic (Dsuvia), you will need to come in at least 30-40 minutes early so it can start taking effect before the procedure starts. It can ONLY be given in the office, not through a retail pharmacy, so taking it at home beforehand is unfortunately not an option. 
  • When you come to the office we will give you a headband, washcloth and cleanser to remove the numbing cream. 
  • We will take photos.
  • You will get comfortable and lie flat on the aesthetic table. If you want nitrous oxide (aka “laughing gas” just like they give at the dentist) you can start using it right away. Your provider will usually wait until it starts taking effect before continuing with the procedure. The nitrous oxide helps for relaxation and pain relief, and nearly 100% of our patients choose to use it.
  • The skin will be cleaned with alcohol.
  • Your provider will treat your skin with the Moepheus8 handpiece, usually starting with the lower face. Multiple passes and different depths and different energy settings will be used. This part usually takes about 30 minutes.
  • Once the procedure is complete, your face will be cleansed again and you will be free to go about your day. We want your skin to breathe, so we recommend against lotions or creams for the first 24 hours.

With Morpheus8 we are able to customize the settings to your comfort level. Generally with radiofrequency technology the higher settings will yield better results, although the higher settings also can be more painful. For pain relief we offer the following:

  • Topical prescription-strength numbing cream. This is recommended for 100% of our patients. It is best applied at home a minimum of 60 minutes before the procedure. 
  • Pro-nox (aka “laughing gas”). This is a gas that can be breathed in for extra relaxation. Its effects are almost immediate, and it exits the system within minutes of breathing it in. One benefit is that you remain in complete control of how much you use. 
  • Dsuvia (sufentanil). This is a newer in-office narcotic that gives hours of pain relief without the same risks of respiratory depression that comes with other narcotics. It is powerful and can be taken ONLY in the office (not at home). Those patients wanting this option need a ride home and need to arrive 40-60 minutes early to give it time to take effect. 

Most patients will experience a mild sensation of heat with a little bit of redness that subsides over the next couple hours. Flaking, crusting, and dryness are common, and this can be expected for up to 5-7 days. For some, there will be swelling and heat that can last for several days. Occasionally (rarely) a patient will have an exaggerated histamine response with redness and swelling that will require benadryl and/or steroids. These patients are rare, and they sometimes already know who they are because they have reacted similarly to other types of treatments (i.e. laser, regular microneedling, IPL) in the past. 

Because every patient is different, we do recommend doing your first treatment with plenty of time for healing before any big events or public appearances. Even though NSAID (i.e. aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen) are very effective at diminishing the heat and inflammation, we recommend against the use of these because the temporary heat and inflammation are the very processes that are triggering the skin to renew and tighten. 

It is best to cleanse the skin with cool water and gentle products for the first 48 hours. Avoid harsh or irritating products such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and retinol for 2 weeks after the procedure. 

Discontinue the following products at least three days prior to your treatment: 

  • Retin-A and other retinoids
  • Topical antibiotics
  • Hydroquinone creams
  •  Benzoyl peroxide
  • Chemical hair removal products
  • Self-tanning products. 

Avoid significant sun exposure at least 3 days before. 

Avoid the following for at least two weeks before the procedure: 

  • Botulinum toxin (i.e. Botox, Jeuveau, Dysport) injections
  • Chemical peels
  • Waxing
  • Tanning beds

We are happy to call in to your pharmacy a preventative medication to be taken prior to your procedure. 

The needles on Morpheus8 can be set to penetrate the skin more deeply, and with regular microneedling there is no radiofrequency involved. Morpheus8 is significantly more effective at tightening and resurfacing than regular microneedling.

We offer nutritional IV therapies that contain vitamins and trace minerals that are helpful for the healing process. 

  • Collagen
  • Vitamin C
  • Sleep
  • Arnica 
  • Pineapple

Certain conditions may preclude a patient from being able to do this treatment. It is important to discuss with Dr. Wheeler or her assistants any of the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy or nursing
  • Under 18 years of age
  • Pacemaker or internal defibrillator or any electronic implant such as a glucose monitor
  • Permanent implants -- such as metal plates, screws, silicone implants, or injected chemical substance -- in the treated area
  • Current or history of cancer, especially cancer
  • Impaired immune system due to immunosuppressive diseases such as AIDS and HIV, or use of immunosuppressant medications
  • Severe concurrent conditions such as cardiac disorders, epilepsy, uncontrolled hypertension, and liver or kidney disease
  • A history of diseases stimulated by heat, such as recurrent Herpes Simplex in the treated area
  • Any active conditions in the treatment area, such as sores, psoriasis, eczema, or rash
  • History of skin disorders such as keloid scarring, abnormal wound healing, as well as dry and fragile skin
  • Any medical condition that might impair skin healing
  • Poorly controlled endocrine disorders such as diabetes or thyroid dysfunction
  • Any surgical, invasive, or ablative procedure in the the treatment area in the last 3 months or before complete healing
  • Superficial injection of biological fillers in the last 6 months, or botulinum toxins within the past 2 weeks
  • Use of isotretinoin (Accutane) within the 6 months prior to treatment